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Missionary Dating Singles
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Missionary dating is on the rise in evangelical churches. What is missionary dating you may ask? Missionary dating is basically the practice of dating a non Christian boyfriend or girlfriend in the hopes that he or she may become a Christian over time, and so become fairgame for a future marriage partner.
Missionary Dating Statistics
This weekend I was talking to a girl who practiced missionary dating with guy, and it worked out famously. The dude become a Christian and the two are now enjoying a blissful marriage, ministering together in a local church. Although I have no real scientific data on missionary dating, I would definitely say that for every missionary dating success story, I have probably heard of 9 others that have failed miserably.
I for one certainly understand and empathize with the reasons single Christians practice missionary dating. Most will say dating an unbeliever or thinking of “unequally yoked” dating because there are simply not enough decent Christian prospects out there, or they are afraid or tired of going through life single and alone. This case is most especially true for singe Christian women due to the dearth of men attending church nowadays.
So, where do we go from here? If missionary dating is not a viable or biblical option, what are the alternatives for finding a dating match in your local area? Our concern for singles dealing with this issue is actaully one of the main reasons we created Christian Dating Service PLUS.
Our advice for those tempted with missionary dating includes the following:
* Understand and redefine your role as you wait on God for a soul-mate
* Increase the pool of potential Christian single prospects by at least trying some of the premier and well known Christian dating site out there today. Here is a good start on understanding how to use christian dating sites.
Overall, missionary dating is a difficualt area, fraught with controversy. However, if you are a Christian, you have a Saviour who promises blessing and a future hope for you…including your dating life.
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